International congress
Russian Supercomputing Days
September 23 - 30, 2023

International congress
Russian Supercomputing Days
September 23 - 30, 2023

One week.
Variety of Parallel Events.
International Congress "Russian Supercomputing Days".
The congress unites conference, scientific schools of supercomputer academy, special workshop series, guided tours to the leading computing centers and many other activities. Event will be carried out in many locations in Moscow and Russia.
Format of the 2023 events will be determined later.
  • Conference
    25.09 - 26.09.2023
  • 23.09 - 30.09.2023
  • Workshops
    23.09 - 30.09.2023
  • Exhibition
    25.09 - 26.09.2023
HPC, Big Data, Exascale, AI/ML/DL.
Congress topics covers all aspects of supercomputing technologies: software and hardware design, solving large tasks, application of supercomputing technologies in industry, exaflop computing issues, supercomputing education, and many others.
Science, Industry, Business, Government, Education, Students.
Congress caters to the interests of a wide range of representatives from science, industry, business, education, government, and students – anyone connected to the development or the use of supercomputing technologies.
Together We Create the Future
International Conference
Russian Supercomputing Days
25.09 - 26.09.2023
The conference is held in two days with many parallel activities: keynotes and invited talks, research and industry sessions, trainings and workshops, poster presentation, supercomputing exhibition, PhD showcase, etc.
Scientific Schools
Supercomputing Academy
23.09 - 30.09.2023
Scientific schools of Supercomputing Academy are a set of special events on cutting-edge science and technology directions.

  • MPI and OpenMP.
  • High-performance computing on clusters using NVIDIA graphic processors.
  • Python for high-performance computing.
  • Quantum informatics.
  • Deep neural networks on high-performance clusters.
Workshops on Advanced Topics
23.09 - 30.09.2023
Workshop topic may be any topic around high performance computing. Workshop form is defined by its chair, it can be a sort of mini conference with submission contest, invited talks, technology demonstration, training, etc. External, distributed and online workshops are highly appreciated. Workshop proposals (detailed description in a free form) will be reviewed by committee experts.
Exhibition of supercomputer technologies
HPC Technologies. Leading HPC Vendors. Scientific Bookshelf.
25.09 - 26.09.2023
Exhibition features the newest hardware and software solutions for high performance computing from the market leaders in HPC.